Hong Kong has one of the most favourable environments for doing business in Asia. This is why it’s no wonder that there are already more than 9,960 companies with foreign parent companies in the country in 2024.
This also means that doing business in Hong Kong has tough competition. So, how exactly can you make your business stand out here?
1. Create a strong business model.
Having a strong business model is important no matter where your company is located, but it’s especially important if you’re doing business in Hong Kong. Since you’re competing against thousands of other companies, you need to know exactly who you are and what value you can offer to customers. Your business model will also serve as your guide in running your business and facing the challenges that might come your way.
2. Invest in upscaling your operations.
Hong Kong businesses are so well-versed with technology that having digital tools, programs, and whatnot is non-negotiable for them. So, if you’re still using old-school techniques, this is the time to upscale your operations by investing in tools such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP & CRM solutions in Hong Kong. These tools will not only help you run your business better, but they will also help your employees make the most of their time and increase their efficiency in doing their work.
3. Offer excellent customer service.
You may not have the most revolutionary product or the biggest brand, but you can still stand out by offering excellent customer service. Consumers in Hong Kong are big on customer service because they’re used to everything being so efficient. Make sure that you are accessible to customers for enquiries and complaints by putting your contact number and social media platforms on your labels or promotional materials. Hire a customer service team who can cater to customer enquiries and make sure that they’re trained to offer good service to consumers. It’s also very important to give your customers a great shopping experience. Whenever they visit your store, make sure that they are catered to and given an experience that they won’t forget.
4. Invest in good marketing.
Here’s the thing: if you don’t invest in marketing in Hong Kong, no one will know about your business or products. In fact, this country has one of the most robust marketing landscapes in Asia, which is why it’s very important to make sure that you can keep up with the competition. Utilise both traditional and nontraditional marketing techniques since consumers in the country vary. This will allow you to reach the younger and more tech-savvy customers through digital marketing and the older customers who prefer newspapers and promotional materials.
Of course, you should also take care of your team to ensure that they stay efficient in their work. Exploring options such as benefits and SSAS will allow you to keep your best employees for a longer time and ensure the longevity of your company.
As you travel through the bustling market corridors of Hong Kong, remember that no two companies are the same. One has to be more aggressive when it comes to getting noticed. Take action today to analyse your enterprise structure, get familiar with the latest technologies, and handle customer care better!